I’ve had my personal blog What Kat Found Out for almost 2 years now. I’ve used it to share all the things I’ve found out on my journey from leaving the corporate world to striking it out on my own as an entrepreneur. The emerging themes on my blog are fashion, business, and Bay Area lifestyle. I do also like to write reflection posts about life and recommend books or movies! It’s a whole smattering of my interests.

I’ve found these blank pages comforting during the self-discovery process. I tried to share and teach what I learned, in hopes that it would make someone else’s journey a little easier.
What I know is that this blog gave me a new life. It was the birth of my business when I had no idea what my business would be for or who it would serve. My blog gave me a chance to be known. And when you’re known, you get a chance to feel loved and supported. My blog was a gift and continues to be so.
I believe that for all of us, our soul has a desire to be expressed in the world. We want to share our likes, our dislikes, the things we are fascinated about, turned off by, and things that make us laugh out loud.
If there are things that YOU know that could help OTHERS, I encourage you to start a blog. What starts off as sharing one tip or one recipe, could lead to 5 more where that idea came from. And then a new topic springs up, and you scurry to go write about that topic.
There’s beauty in being able to create and have ownership over a little page on the Internet – a page that would be your home base, which draws in more people who have similar interests to you and becomes your community.
If there’s a part of you that gets excited about the idea of having your own blog, consider getting started. For me, I signed up with BlueHost to host my WordPress site, registered my domain whatkatfoundout.com, and then off I went!
If you’re interested, you can explore BlueHost’s options here. I believe I went with the recommended Choice Plus plan. I followed the step-by-step tutorial on The Minimalists’ website on how to start a blog.
Before and After
Before I go, I wanted to share another fun before/after picture!
BEFORE I launched my blog, I Google-searched “what kat found out” for fun. It returned 3.4M results but they were random sites and different kat’s, none were related to me.

AFTER I launched my blog and built it up for 2 years, I just did a Google search for “what kat found out” and got this. 123M results and my latest projects up there – my blog, YouTube channel, podcast, and book! Pretty good job, Google search results!

It’s so awesome to create something that didn’t exist before.
If you’re thinking of starting a blog, seriously think about taking action on it! Whether you use Bluehost or some other provider, get started!
As a side note, if you feel like you aren’t as tech-savvy and want to use easy builders, you can check out Squarespace or Wix (neither of which I have used before). The pricing and features included will vary.
If you have particular needs like wanting to show a lot of high quality images or you want an e-commerce store, you may want to do more research to figure out if options like Squarespace or Shopify could fit your needs better.
Or if you don’t want to have your own domain, you can publish on existing content platforms like Medium or LinkedIn by creating a free account.
No excuses!
To summarize, there’s many options to get started with creating content. And content doesn’t need to be perfect or agonized over for days in order to be published. I’ve even written drafts on-the-go with a notes app on my phone! A blogpost doesn’t need to be super long or comprehensive. Just a paragraph of text with a picture would be a great start. People’s attention spans aren’t very long these days, anyways! 😉