Renting clothes is becoming more commonplace. It allows us to wear new clothes without having the expense and clutter associated with it. And now the same is being applied to jewelry – with a jewelry subscription service called Rocksbox! This is my honest review of the service.

When I had first heard about Rocksbox through someone’s Instagram stories, I was so intrigued! With Rocksbox, you pay a monthly $21 fee to receive 3 pieces of jewelry shipped to you in a box. You build a style profile and add “stars” to the items that you like, which give them an idea of what to send you. They ship you 3 pieces at a time, and when you’re done, you ship them back. Then a stylist selects your next three items.
You can purchase and keep the items if you like, or you can simply wear them until you’re ready to return it for a new box of jewelry.
Here are some snapshots from the experience as a first-time user. These are from their style quiz where they get to know what type of jewelry you have and what size you are.

They allow you to browse their entire collection of jewelry and encourage you to “star” your favorite items (to be added on your wish list) to earn an initial $5 credit.

Each item has the price displayed if you want to buy it outright, but it would be free (aside from your monthly subscription fee) to rent.
Once you’ve starred a bunch of items, you wait to get styled!
Based on your wishlist, a stylist will select 3 items for you in your first box. They have emails to build up the anticipation too (see below). When your stylist has made a selection, they give you a sneak peek to see what those items are – in case you want to change them before the box ships to you.

These items were selected for my first box.

I didn’t really like the Ava Rose necklace they suggested, so I swapped it out for a different one. Certain items that I liked were not available for renting, (I guess someone else was renting them at the moment), so I settled on this Kate Spade necklace instead.

Then the box ships!

And then finally it arrived! I was so excited!!! It was wrapped so nicely too.

First item: a bracelet with a knotted detail on each end of it. It’s nice that it’s adjustable to fit my wrist, which is on the smaller size. I though it looked cool, but it looks a bit plain on its own, so I feel like it needed to be worn with multiple bracelets in a stack – which I didn’t have.
Second item: a ring. It looks cool on the website, but when you look up close, it’s actually some sparkly stuff on a black piece of rubber or something? I thought it was gemstone, but it looked weird / cheap in person unfortunately.
Third item: a Kate Space necklace. I chose it because I thought the pretzel shape was fun. But for some reason, when I tried it on, it wasn’t that exciting. It looked okay.
The note they included in the box was a nice touch – a personalized note from my stylist and a list of the items and pricing. You can use your $21 monthly credit towards your purchase, and if you buy all 3, you get a discount (similar to StitchFix clothing subscription, if you buy all 5 items).

Even though I could have gotten a discount on the items, plus my $5 credit from earlier, I wasn’t too enamored by any of the items, so I didn’t purchase any.
Also I kept the box for about 3-4 weeks and even then I didn’t wear any of the items.
So even though I was initially excited about Rocksbox and setting up my style profile, I felt meh about the service. The concept is cool, but I didn’t really like the jewelry pieces. I prefer picking and buying my own from other brands. They didn’t have the brands that I like to wear. And maybe this sounds weird, but I didn’t want to wear rented earrings because I have sensitive ears. So I could only have selected from the necklaces, bracelets, and rings. Oh and my ring size is pretty small too – 3.5 so most standard rings aren’t available in my size.
Anyways, it was several reasons layered together led me to my decision to ship back my box and cancel my subscription.
Too bad! I wanted to like the subscription box and have new jewelry every month, but it didn’t work out for me. Back to the old fashioned way of buying jewelry! 😉

If you want to try your luck at Rocksbox, check out this free trial link that I found online (not my referral code, haha):
Try Rocksbox