I had heard great things about the book The Miracle Morning, so I finally got around to reading it and it was awesome!! I liked that it was short and to-the-point. No one needs another self-help book that goes on and on lol.
The author Hal Erod says that many people may do 1 or 2 great habits in the morning, but rarely do people combine all 6 habits, which he advocates for. By doing all 6 of these practices each morning, you can have lots of energy and motivation to focus on your goals and be your best self (as evidenced by all the people who’s lives have been transformed by this routine. ) Hal came up with a handy acronym to make it easier to remember: SAVERS. Or he calls them lifesavers, a cute name!
S – silence
A – affirmations
V – visualization
E – exercise
R – reading
S – scribing (also known as writing or journaling)
He emphasizes flexibility and customization to each person’s lifestyle. He says you can do this in an hour (10 minutes for each practice) or even in 6 minutes!! 1 minute each! See his 6-minute miracle morning guide here. I like how 6 minutes seems a lot more accessible than a new routine that could take hours.
I’ve been struggling with finding a good morning routine. I realized that I was primarily doing journaling, spending a heck of a lot of time on that, and I still felt off balance. So I realized that by adding silence, visualization, etc.. that it gave me a lot more balance and energy in the morning. Literally after I tried the whole routine for the first time, it felt like rocket fuel for my brain! I was so alert and energized!
By the way, affirmations felt awkward for me at first. To say affirmations out loud just felt weird. But I found a one page list of affirmations online that I can just read from, so I don’t have to worry about coming up with any on my own. And the more I practice verbally saying these affirmations, the more the words feel true to me.

I’m still trying to find a good rhythm for the miracle morning routine, exercise is still my weak spot. But I want to commit to the 30-day challenge and do it every day for the month of March! I haven’t done it every day so far (oops), but I’m committed and hopeful to do so for the remaining days. I’ll update you on my progress afterwards. That’ll also give me incentive to stay accountable. (Last year, my publicly announced 30-day podcast challenge gave me lots of motivation and momentum.)
What does your morning routine look like? Share in a comment below!
If you’re interested in reading more about the Miracle Morning routine, you can check it out here:
The Miracle Morning: The Not-So-Obvious Secret Guaranteed to Transform Your Life (Before 8AM)
Disclaimer: This post contains affiliate links. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. And of course, I would recommend this book regardless.