However, what I haven’t really shared much about is the behind-the-scenes struggles that I face mentally. Am I on the right path? Am I crazy for continuing? Should I just go back to find “a real job”? Being more vocal about my struggles is something I feel God is calling me to do. All these mixed emotions inside my are yearning to be expressed, so here’s my first attempt at it.
A lot of advice to entrepreneurs goes something like, “Plant lots of seeds and you never know which ones will sprout and turn into something amazing.” So I did that. Ok, so I didn’t plant a ton of seeds, but I timidly planted a few here and there. And a bunch of them didn’t work out. Here they are:
There are a bunch of awards for authors to submit their books to, and winning one of those awards can bring publicity and boost credibility for the book and for the author. I read that some of these organizations are for-profit, so it’s worth being strategic about which contests to apply to.
Example of a book with an IPPY Gold award sticker on it
I submitted my book to several contests – i.e. IPPY awards and Next Generation Indie Book Awards. They each cost about $80 – $200 depending on how many categories you want to be considered for. Also you have to submit multiple copies of your book for the judges to read. It’s a decent financial investment and you have no idea how it’ll turn out.
So yeah, after waiting several months, they announced the winners, and I was pretty bummed that I didn’t win anything in the categories I applied for (kids books and gift books). On the one hand, they are tons of amazing authors that submit their book, so I guess I have to be realistic about my chances.
Earlier this year, I was reading the local newspaper and came across an announcement for Palo Alto Weekly short story writing contest. I felt intrigued to write a piece just for fun – unrelated to a book and unrelated to my blog. I thought I may have better odds with a local contest because the above contests were nationwide or global.
Hence, I wrote up a piece, enjoyed the process, and felt proud to have submitted a piece of writing out into the world.
My Application to the Short Story Contest
About 5 weeks later, I got an email with this news.
Dear Short Story Contest Entrant:I’m sorry to inform you that you were not among the top three stories selected by our judges for prizes in this year’s contest.Thank you for entering and best of luck with your writing. We hope you’ll return next year with another story.
Around that time, I also submitted an application to Spotify for their Sound Up Bootcamp which was a training program where they’d fly you out to New York to teach you about podcasting, introduce you to experts, and help you create your own podcast. It was intended to promote female podcasters of color so that there’d be more diversity in the industry. I wrote up a whole spiel about what I would say on a podcast and why I thought these issues were important.
When I shared this on Instagram, one of my Instagram friends, Fey, commented that if I started a podcast, she would definitely listen. ^_^ That made me super happy, thank you Fey!! I still remember that comment because it made me feel like oh hey, maybe what I have to say is worth listening to. 🙂
As I was waiting on a response, I thought more about the idea of doing a podcast, even if the Spotify thing didn’t pan out. I also blocked off those dates in my calendar because if you get it, then you go to NY for a week in June. And finally after a month and a half, I get this response.
Dear applicant,
Thank you so much for your application to the Sound Up Bootcamp! Unfortunately, we’re unable to offer you a spot in June’s bootcamp.We reviewed over 18,000 applications, and were so impressed and inspired by the ideas we received. We want to encourage you to make your podcast a reality, and join the community of women of color podcasters. You can find a list of resources on creating your podcast — and communities you can get involved with online — here.Thank you again, and best of luck in podcasting!
Of course, I felt disappointed again, but I was like wow, 18k people applied for 10 spots. I guess my chances were pretty slim. o.O Since this bootcamp isn’t the only way to start a podcast, I feel okay. There are still plenty of tools and resources out there.
I’m still debating on whether I will start a podcast or not. It’s just a matter of what format of blogging is most natural for me – writing, doing YouTube, or recording audio. I still need to experiment.
Looking back, I guess these scenarios were contests with thousands of applicants, so most of us weren’t going to be selected. But that doesn’t mean our work isn’t worthwhile. We can’t take it too personally – though it is in my nature to be highly sensitive >.< Sigh lol.
I know the advice of planting seeds really only works if you start planting hundreds, thousands of seeds. When you’re first starting off, it’s hard to stay motivated when the initial ones don’t pan out. But from my observation of the successful authors/entrepreneurs, it seems like they relentlessly continue to plant seeds and put themselves out there in vulnerable situations many times over. They keep going when other people would’ve given up a long time ago. So I think the lesson for me is that I’ve got to keep planting seeds, and not dwell on things that don’t pan out. Let’s do this!
I want to hear from you too! Was there a time when you really wanted something and it didn’t turn out. How did you deal with it?
Ma’am, very well explained, I can relate myself totally with struggle.
Well there are, but here are a few,
applying to foreign universities for masters and getting rejected after months of waiting (I live in a Developing country and the application fee is 2 times the minimum wage). Mustering the courage to tell a girl I really liked her and for her to tell me “No” (happened both in 2015 and recently this year with another girl I completely thought was the right one).
My thought is, it’s life, things like this happen, doesn’t mean it’s the end of the world, doesn’t mean I should stop trying as that might just reduce my chances. Maybe, I should try things from a different angle.
Thank you for sharing. Wow those situations must have been so hard, but I’m so glad you’re still optimistic and willing to try a different angle. That is inspiring, keep being brave!
Getting two rejection emails in a day was not a good experience. This is what I try to do when applying for stuffs….. I do my best then hope for the best and prepare my mind for the worst so that it won’t hurt me too much…
Katherine you’re doing great and you’re a source of inspiration to me…. Fighting 💪🏾💪🏾
Aw yeah those emails can be tough. :/ I agree that it’s helpful to separate ourselves and our self worth from the outcome because those things are often outside our control. Thanks John Paul, cheers to the will to keep fighting!
Us musicians have a mantra. Create, submit, forget, rinse, repeat. 🙂 the “forget” part is the hardest. you’re doing great!
I love that! Thank you Sherry! 😀
Hey Kat,
Thanks for sharing so openly about your struggles.. I think it helps people relate that we’re all human and with success there is probably a lot more failure behind it than we realize. You just have to keep trying again and again, and I know your time will come! If this is truly what makes you happy, then the hard work that comes with it is nothing in the long run 🙂 I have faith in you! Keep it up!
Thank you Jas for always being so supportive when I’m feeling down, love you!! <3