Every year, I pick a word that I will focus on for the year. It’ll be my mantra for the year, if you will.
How did I do for 2019?
Last year, my word of the year was COURAGE.
I would have to give myself a B for that. I could’ve done better. I could’ve been more courageous and showed up more. I’ll admit that there were times where my fears got the best of me and I hid.
New Word for a New Year
So my word of the year for 2020 is CERTAINTY.
If I had regrets for 2019 and past years, it’s that I waffled too much with uncertainty. I wanted to do things but then rationalized myself out of not doing them. Or I got busy with other things, and put them on the wayside.
I really like the word CERTAINTY for this upcoming year because it means that whatever I want, I need to be certain and move ahead with it. It’s almost worst to want something 50%. I either need to decide I don’t want it (0%) and forget about it, or decide that I want it (100%) and do everything in my power to go for it.
Going for things full force with my finite amount of energy means committing myself to less things. I won’t be able to spread myself as thin.
Another reason I picked this word is because certainty reminds me of the word confidence. For the most part, we all could use more confidence in life – to carry ourselves with pride and know what we’re worth.
But confidence is such an overused word now, it almost doesn’t mean anything. I hear the word confidence so much that it doesn’t inspire / empower me as much (on a visceral level) compared to the word certainty.
Certainty is knowing what you want and knowing that the actions you take are aligned correspondingly.
So wherever you are in your life, whatever decisions you make, make them with certainty. Even if they lead you down a less-than-ideal path, at least you explored something new and learned from it.
If you’re going to be wrong, be bold about it! You’ll likely make more progress by failing forward than by continually stepping forwards and backwards with trepidation and indecision.
In a few hours, we’ll enter a new decade. I welcome 2020 with open arms!!! I will be wrong about certain things, but at least I’ll be certain that I wanted them.
Related Posts:
My Word Of The Year for 2019
Why Life is Like Leaning in For the First Kiss
The Biggest Mistake
Such an inspirational post Kat:) Let’s create certainty together this year
Yes!! High five, girl! It’s going to be a fantastic year.