My book is officially available now on Amazon and Barnes&!
I hope that young kids everywhere 👧🏻👦🏽👶🏿 will be inspired to use their voice to express themselves for who they really are. And that they believe their voice truly matters.
After leaving my job to explore new opportunities and write this book, I went through lots of self doubt about whether I could actually step into a new chapter of life. But through the grace of God, so much love and support came into my life from people near and far. You all uplifted me, got me through the hard times, and I was finally able to self publish this book!!! I couldn’t feel more proud and thankful on this day. 🙏
There is more to share about my journey behind this book and my year of self-discovery, but I will save that for another time! Today is a time for celebration!!
If there is a young person in your life who you would like to encourage and love on, I invite you to check out this book! The target age is 2–5 years old. Let me know if you have any questions, thank you!!!! Much love to you!! And whatever age and life stage you are in, I hope you remember to #useyourvoice because it’s your beautiful gift to the world.
To learn more about what it was like to self-publish this book, check out my journey on my YouTube channel What Kat Found Out.